June, 2023
Safehouse studio - NEW LOCATION!
Finally catching up with some studio updates after our move last year. Safehouse's old Cave St. location has finally been knocked down and due for development by Oxford City Council. After an uncertain few months, we've now settled into our new location at Ark-T, Crowell Rd. With various studios, venues and arts centres closing, we've very grateful to be able to keep the studio in East Oxford to continue to serve this creative and talented music community. Massive love and thanks to Ark-T for the support and giving us a new home!
May, 2023
Civil Villains: Motion Sick - RELEASED!
Civil Villains' debut record is out now for your listening pleasure. Very proud of the recording and production on this. Tracked at the wonderous Shaken Oak studios and mixed in various rooms during the studio move (The Aviary - RIP, Upcycled Sounds - RIP, and the new Safehouse room!) The band have done a stellar job. Check out upcoming shows at
April, 2023
SHAKEN OAK studios
The upheaval of having to move Safehouse was a curse... and a blessing. One blessing was being forced out of our local bubble and having to communicate with other studios and consider the options if we were to close. This finally gave me a good reason to spend time with Arthur at Shaken Oak. We've since become allies and I've now run a few sessions there, when the project needs more space and the option of a residential location. That live room and tasty gear sound superb! Some great recordings being done here, and a lovely place to work & hang out for a few days!